On the 10th (11th, 12th and one for good measure!) day of Christmas, Animal Friends gave to Icarus, Igor, Idris and Irina four spay/neuter surgeries!
These young cats were brought to Animal Friends through our Trap-Neuter-Release (TNR) Program. The TNR Program is a means of humanely controlling cat populations. Feral cats are trapped using humane box traps, brought back to Animal Friends to be spayed/neutered, vaccinated and ear-tipped by our vet. After they've recovered, the cats are then returned to their colony for continued care by the caretaker. This is the most humane way to control the problem of cat overpopulation.
Icarus, Igor, Idris and Irina were part of a colony of feral cats and trapped as kittens. They could not have been more lucky! Instead of being returned to their colony, these four got a new lease on life! They instead were admitted by Animal Friends and became four adoptable kittens.
Not all feral cats are as lucky as Icarus, Igor, Idris and Irina. Most feral cats are forced to live on the streets. Rummaging for food each day. Living a hard life. But Animal Friends will be there for them.
We'll be there for them, to ensure they're spayed/neutered. To ensure they won't contribute more litters of unwanted kittens. To ensure they won't contribute more statistics to the cold, harsh reality of pet overpopulation.
Right now, you can ensure that more animals – like Icarus, Igor, Idris and Irina – have access to critical spay/neuter surgeries.
Thanks to a very generous donor, there is no better time to give! Now through Dec. 31, every donation given to our Year-End Campaign will be matched dollar-for-dollar, up to $100,000.
Right now your support can go twice as far – helping twice as many animals.
And if you donate at least $20 from now until Sat., Dec. 26 at 11:59 p.m. ESTyou'll be entered to win a pair of tickets to our series of 2016 W(h)ine events (held in Feb., March, June, Aug. and Oct.) that you can attend with your pooch!
Click here to enter now!
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